Xin Tong

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I am Xin Tong, a freelance visual designer dedicated to creating unique and captivating visual experiences. My goal is to leave a lasting and special impression on the audience with each design.

Throughout my design journey, I have always enjoyed experimenting and taking on challenges. I constantly explore new ideas and inspirations within current trends and incorporate them into my creations. I believe that every design should be distinctive and capable of conveying a clear message and emotion.

I have a good cooperation with many companies, for example, OPPO, Heine Bildungszentrum, Max Values, AIKO and others. With years of experience as a designer, I excel at transforming abstract concepts into concrete realities. I strive for excellence in every project, not only to meet my clients‘ needs but also to shape a positive image for them. I understand that a successful design can bring immense value to both brands and individuals, and I am committed to honing my skills to achieve this goal.

Here, you will find some of my works and design cases. I hope these pieces reflect my passion and professionalism in design. If you have any project ideas or collaboration proposals, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to sharing my design philosophy with more people and creating more stunning visual works together.



OPPO’s corporate poster and data display 2023/24

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